Sunday, February 24, 2008

No Good News!

This week hasn't been the best of weeks.

We did have a great trip to North Carolina last weekend. But, I got a bad cold on the trip and have had a hard time shaking it. We sort of celebrated MomMom's 85th birthday early. Don, Katie and I went in together with Mom and got MomMom a 42" LCD TV for the living room. Her eyesight has continued to deteriorate and she's had an increasingly hard time watching their old 26" TV in the living room. MomMom enjoys politics so much - we wanted to go ahead and give it to her early so she could be enjoying the debates and stuff now. It really seemed to make her happy.

When she first realized what we had done, she started crying and Katie threw her arms around her to tell her it was okay!

We even had a major milestone on this trip. Katie spent the night with Mom and MomMom two nights!! She had a lot of fun, they enjoyed it so much and Don and I got to have some time together!! That was great!!

We got to have a great visit with Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Linda too! It just makes me miss Kim, Sarah and Jacob so much when we visit. I'll be glad to see them this summer!!! It's really been hard on Aunt Linda for them to be so far away!

Well, now to the bad news!

We have gotten partial results back from Katie's MRI. We are waiting now to be referred to a neurologist. It's nothing we weren't expecting but still not the best of news!

Then, my dad went to go have a growth removed from his scalp on Wednesday. This had been a scheduled procedure for almost two months. When the doctor saw it, he was concerned because it had changed drastically. They biopsied it and it came back melanoma. They sent Dad to a surgeon on Thursday who removed several other places from Dad's upper body and they've scheduled surgery for March 14th. I'm pretty concerned about him.

Then, we took Maggie to the vet on Friday. She's lost a dramatic amount of weight the past couple of weeks and she's been getting sick a lot. Turns out she has a growth on her mediastenum. They've sent it to UT to find out more. Maggie weighed 10 pounds in the fall and now weighs 6.4 - that's pretty dramatic weight loss.

Maggie is 14 so she is old but she's my little Maggie Doodles! She's such a part of of our family!!

The vet gave us medicine to try to help her getting sick and it has helped. We are fixing her food with rice and cream of wheat to make it more palatable and that seems to have helped.

I'm so ready for spring! I'm so ready for some happy days!

LA :)


  1. When it rains, it pours. No fun. At least you were able to see the good in the week as well!

    I've been learning lately how much God is working during the trials. He is trying to grow us, if we'll let Him. It hurts sometimes though...

  2. This will all works itself out, we always go in cycles like this but we always pull it out. I am glad this blog allows you to express yourself
