Monday, December 31, 2007

What A Way To End An Amazing Year

It was a great weekend visiting family!! Katie and I had a wonderful trip! She stayed healthy!! YAY! It seems like she gets sick so much when we go to North Carolina... I'm almost thinking that she might be allergic to something in the hotel that we stay in when Don makes the trip with us... when it's the three of us we usually stay in a hotel because there just isn't enough room at Mom & MomMom's. When it was just MomMom, Katie, Mom and I - it was like a "girls weekend" - four generations!! We had a lot of laughter!! Katie is already missing them and looking forward to our next visit!!

Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Linda are always just so wonderful to Katie. They are almost like another set of grandparents. A child can never have too many people loving them, right?!!

Aunt Linda had a really hard time this Christmas after Sarah and Jacob being here this summer - it just seemed to be a little harder during the holidays. I so understand that because I miss them desperately too... and I'm just a cousin/aunt. So, I think it was good for her to spend some time with Katie too! They both seemed to enjoy each other!

We went to the library on Friday and Katie got like 30 books. The coolest librarian EVER, Mr. George, helped Mom and I find great animal books for Katie. He was a young african-american guy with a 10-month old daughter! He loves working in the kids section and Katie thought he was really cool!

What she thought was even MORE cool was Aunt Linda's story telling! She is the BEST!! She should have her own PBS show or something!

I have to get some pictures of Mom and I. It's either her or I always behind the lens so we rarely get pictures together! Don is going to take some when we go over the first of February!

Better go spend some time with Don! It's our SIXTEENTH wedding anniversary tonight! Isn't that crazy!? I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful husband! So blessed to have a wonderful family and great friends! So blessed to have this wonderful life!!

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

LA :)

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