Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Is Over...

...but boy was it great!! We had a great Christmas - actually I believe it was the best in several years. We spent Christmas eve with Gran, Dad and Marilyn. We had a little bit of a catastrophe - a pretty major plumbing problem that we are dealing with today - but we didn't let it ruin Christmas. I was proud of Don and I... especially me... since I have such a tendency to worry and plan for "worst case"... we just realized that it was Christmas Eve and there was nothing that could be done and worrying about it wasn't going to change the outcome. So, hopefully, the plumber will show up today and it wont be as major as we thinking it could be.

Katie seeing Santa at the mall on December 23rd was perfect because she remembered exactly what she'd asked him for and when she got up Christmas morning - she was so happy. It was the best Christmas yet with Katie as far as her handling opening several gifts and not just plowing through them... unemotionally. She wanted to know specifics about each thing and was excited.

I got her a pink fuzzy blanket shawl and it has this inside packet of lavendar bead filling that you can heat in the microwave and then it's suppose to be soothing to wrap up in. When I told her how it works.... she said "that is so impressive..." and that's when I got this shot... how fun!!!

The morning started off with Katie coming to me and she was so excited and she said "I think Santa guessed all on his own that I love horses and unicorns and he brought me a BIG white horse coming out of a box...."

We took turn opening our presents and this is the first year that she was interested in what Don and I also got. We had a great morning! Then we fixed pancakes with heart smart bisquick, turkey sausage and Cary's sugar free syrup. I only had one pancake and one piece of sausage with a glass of milk but it was still a lot of carbs compared to my normal breakfast... NAP TIME!

Gran, Dad and Marilyn rejoined us at 2pm and we had a great rest of the day! We had a lot of laughter and just fun talking! It was the most enjoyable time we've had with Gran in a year... so that was nice.

Katie was determined to give Grandpa a new look. He wasn't too cooperative. He's a great grandpa except when it comes to messing with his!

Katie entertained us for an hour with a fashion show using all the things that came in her dress up trunk. She loved it!! She also put on a show using her Hannah Montana microphone. She also got the Hannah Montana Spotlight Tour for Wii - we just haven't had a chance to play with it yet. I'm sure her friends are going to love that gift as well!!!

Tomorrow I head to work and then Katie and I head to North Carolina. Mom, Don, Katie and I went in together on a very special gift for MomMom that I am so excited to help her get up and going! MomMom is so excited!

Tomorrow is my surgiversary! Yikes - I don't even want to weigh. But, thank goodness the holiday food focused season is almost over!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I'm sure we are all off to have a wonderful start to 2008.

LA :)


1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you guys had a great day! I'm so glad. Katie is adorable in her Cinderella dress!
