Friday, December 21, 2007

P.S. I Love You

Don & I have started occasionally taking advantage of our winter Friday mornings together and having a "REVERSE DATE". He will take Katie to school while I get ready and then we do eBay shipping and get that out of the way and catch a 9:15-10:00am movie. Then we get lunch and pick up Katie! We call it a "REVERSE DATE".

Last Friday we went to see I AM LEGEND. Will Smith was wonderful! Just love him. The writing and special effects - not so much!


Today we went to see P.S. I LOVE YOU with Hilary Swank, Lisa Kudrow, Harrick Connick Jr. Kathy Bates... It was WONDERFUL!!! Alot of sadness but a great romantic drama/comedy. The music was great and I've already downloaded the soundrack from iTunes. The couple in the movie reminded Don and I so much of ourselves with their relationship. He was upbeat, carefree and always optimistic and she was the planner and worrier. He taught her an awful lot about enjoying life - just like Don has with me.

We had a little bit of a scare today with Hogan. He hurt his back somehow and he was in so much pain. He ended up at the the vet having xrays and spending the afternoon for meds. Turns out it is just a pulled muscle and we have to keep him from jumping for a few weeks. How we will manage to do that... he is such a leaper! But thank goodness it wasn't anything serious.

Don and Katie built a Gingerbread house tonight and Katie and I baked cookies - or at least prepared the dough for the cookies. It is chillin' overnight in the fridge. Dad and Marilyn get here tomorrow!

Wow, it is 11:55pm on December 21st. Wow! Three days left until Christmas.

Hope everyone is staying sane and happy!

LA :)

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