Saturday, December 1, 2007

Smoky Mountain Christmas @ Dollywood

We made plans to go to Dollywood when we picked Katie up from school yesterday. We took Cassie & Alex with us. Don wasn't too sure about doing that but I knew it would be fun!

The interstate had some kind of major snafu when we were heading out of Knoxville so we ended up going out Chapman Highway. When we got to about Seymour, Don was giving me these exasperated looks... the girls were listening to a Radio Disney Christmas CD and talking like 3000 miles an hour about Miley Cyrus, Aly & AJ and other teen pop people. The car was full of laughter and fun (and like I said - exasperated looks from Don).

We got to Dollywood and the girls were bubbling with excitement. They started talking 5000 miles an hour on the trolly into the park about what the strategic plan of events was going to be once we were inside. Katie just wanted to be sure that there were no plans for water! Not at 40 degrees there weren't (besides they were closed)! This is a picture of the four of us imitating the silly reindeer statues.

Cassie and Alex haven't had as much "thrill seeking" ride time as Katie. So they were perfectly content to head to the County Fair area and ride rides like the carousel, the tea cups, the flying dumbo, etc. Katie still loves riding those rides - especially when there is as much laughter as there was with me, Cassie, Alex and her riding them... but she wanted to ride some more "speed" rides. So, she and I went to the Dizzy Disc and Cassie and Alex watched trying to decide if they wanted to attempt it. The answer for then was NO!!

We spent a little too much time for my liking on the tea cups and I had to trade spots with Don for a bit and let him ride.

The girls decided they liked him better in the tea cups than me anyway. I do too much giggling and Don is much more serious about making it spin really fast! Although, from the looks of this picture, Don isn't spinning the wheel so much.....? We rode the bumper cars and I laughed so hard I almost blacked out. Katie and Alex rode together and Cassie rode with me and Don was solo. Cassie was screaming at me the whole time to "go faster and RAM Mr. Don!!" Katie loved it - she loved Alex hitting me and Cassie!

We saw some of the Parade of Lights on our way to get some dinner and then we saw the really cool Carol of the Trees as we were coming out from dinner. We met some of the nicest people while we were eating dinner. We went to Aunt Granny's buffet - we figured that was the best thing to do. Katie and Cassie are terribly picky eaters and I'm limited... so the buffet at least had choices. Cassie ate three rolls and two big bowls of green beans. Katie had fried chicken, corn on the cob and hot chocolate. *shiver*

The girls really wanted to go back to the County Fair after dinner so that is what we did. They rode the kiddie roller coaster twice and when Katie came off that second time, she was frustrated and really had to have more action. She convinced Alex to go ride the ferris wheel. Don went with Cassie back to the flying dumbo's and I went to the ferris wheel with Katie & Alex. The three of us rode together and Alex was scared to death. Of course, we got stuck on the top for about five minutes and Alex is scared of heights. Katie and I just kept hugging her (gently so we didn't rock the car) and telling her she was doing great! All of a sudden, it's like someone flipped a switch on her. I told her to just take a deep breath and started talking about the lights, gingerbread houses, etc and she just relaxed and then started loving it.

Once Alex accomplished that... she was ready to take on bigger and better things as long as she was in between Katie and I. So, we went back to the dizzy disc. Alex didn't like it too much until it was over and then she decided that it was pretty cool and that she would do again on her next visit.

We did a few other things and then it was 9pm and the park was closing. Katie had been up since 6am. Her eyes were all glossy from the cold and from being tired. It took us a while to even get back out to the trolly area and when we finally did - Katie just broke down in tears. "I'm cold, I'm tired". Katie had on four layers, a scarf and mittens but by this time - it was in the low 30's and she was pooped. Alex immediately too off her big down coat and gave it to Katie. Cassie and Alex were both hugging Katie and telling her she was going to be ok.

It was so great seeing Katie be a supportive friend and help them yesterday and then in turn seeing how they are such good friends to her. Once we were in the car with the heat going, the Disney Radio Christmas CD playing, Don's exasperated looks starting again - Katie was good to go until we got home at 10:30pm.

When Don and I were sitting out rides, we were talking about how much fun the evening ended up being. We are going to try and go back at least one more time before the Christmas season is over and see a show or two in addition to the rides in the cold!

Today, Katie is going to Malachi's birthday party. It's at the Chuck! *sigh* That is my LEAST favorite place on the planet!

This morning we are going to take Gran breakfast and decorate her condo for Christmas. The clock is really ticking... not sure how much longer she can live their alone.

Then tonight we are going to put up our decorations! YAY!

Merry Christmas! Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you guys had so much fun!! I love the dizzy disc! The tea cups...not so much. I bet the lights were beautiful. We need to go together!
