Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Oh What A Night, Late December...

I love that old Four Seasons song "Oh What A Night"... late December back in 63, what a very special time for me.... well, it isn't 1963 or even 2003 but that song has been going through my head tonight. We had such a nice family night tonight and we all really started getting the Christmas spirit so it was just a great time.

Don was off the past three days and tonight was just planned to be "errand night". We picked Katie up and headed off to get her and Don a haircut. We were all three in great moods. Katie's hair has been looking pretty straggly lately and we've been debating whether to continue letting it grow or to cut it short. Well, she has started really getting into "hairstyles" and wanting to have her hair braided and twisted... so of course - she DID NOT want a hair cut. So, we compromised on a trim.

Don's hair was starting to curl so there was no compromising there... he was getting a cut. :)

Anyway, we get to the hair salon and Kim, the gal that was gonna cut Katie's hair was so nice. Katie gets up in the chair and starts telling her that she wants twists and curls. Kim starts trimming her hair and Katie says "are you listening to me?". A few minutes later, Katie decided that she didn't like the amount of hair she was seeing fall to the ground and she told Kim "I'm getting really mad at you... I need to get down now." Maybe it was one of those things you just had to be there for, but it was just funny. Cracked us all up.

Other than that - we just went to Ross and Target and got Christmas and winter related items. Then we ate at O'Charley's for dinner. First time we'd been there in years!! Katie had never been there. But, we were laughing and cutting up and teasing Don about having beets for Christmas... (inside joke).

The holiday shoppers were in hibernation tonight. Turkey Creek Pavillion, which on a normal weekday evening, is swamped - was just not busy at all. It was odd.

Well, it's 10:50 and Katie is finally sound asleep. It always takes her a long time to go to sleep when we are out at night. We were out pretty late too... 8pm. Oohhhhh!! ;)

Tomorrow is a full day... ACM's until 2:30 and then I grab Katie and we are on our way to STAR ( and after that - we go see Sunny and Sam and then it will be days end again! Man, time is flyin....

Til next time!
LA :)

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