Sunday, December 31, 2006

I did it!!

My surgery was December 27th at 1pm. It's now December 31st and I am just now updating my blog. I'm not yet at a point where I would say "I'd do it again in a heartbeat" but I am sure I will be at that point once I get this dog gone jp tube taken out of my abbdomen.

Dr. Boyce is a wonderful, thorough surgeon. I can't believe that I was not more nervous than I was. Don got to stay with me until they took me to the holding area. When they took me to the holding area and away from Don, I briefly got nervous. But, once I was in the holding area - there was the nicest nurse and the craziest guy named Alex. He had me cracking up and giggling the whole time I was there.

Once I was in the operating room - the team seemed so "together and so professional". I was asking about Dr. Williams because I knew he assisted Dr. Boyce a lot and they told me that he was doing another procedure and that they had me well covered and I would be well cared for.

The nurse put the mask on my face and told me I'd be asleep in about 3 minutes. Then she told me, in about 2 minutes.... that is the last thing I remember until there was Don and Lisa and I needed to pee. They kept telling me to go ahead - that I had the cathertar. I wanted that GONE! So I wanted to get up and get walking. Once you walk 100 ft. you can loose the cathetar.

I barely remember them removing it but I remember being glad that it was gone. :)

Dr. Boyce came in the next morning at 7:30 and explained to me that there had been a complication and that my surgery had been difficult. He told me that my small intestine was shorter than average so he had to stretch it to meet my new stomach and that was going to change my planned diet by a few days. No protein drinks, just clear liquids.

I got walking. Several people visited that day. I'm blessed to have good friends and people that care about me so much. I wish it had worked out for my Mom and Aunt Linda to have come.

The next morning, Dr. Boyce was in my room at 6:30am. Bright and Early!!! He was glad to see that I was awake and sitting up. It wasn't exactly by choice but I didn't tell him that! :) He thinks that I am going to do WONDERFULLY! I think I will too, once I get this JP Drain out!!

I had the nurse from %#@ Thursday night. She was horrible to Don. I would get up to go to the bathroom, which was an ever lovin' production. Don would have to disconnect the air pressure booties that rubbed my feet to help prevent blood clots, he would have to disconnect my iv, help me with my JP Drain - all to go to the bathroom or walk. AND it never failed, ever time we did this - whether it was to walk or go to the bathroom, she'd come in right as we got back to my chair or bed and start fussing at Don for me not being hooked up.

She also reconnected me to the pulse ox machine which was a pain. She did so for "her own piece of mind" even though my o2 levels never were below 96.

Friday was a new day and I got to go home. There truly is no place like home. And three days in the hospital will definately make you appreciate that. Things have been going fairly well. I have had a tremendous amount of gas. I have been getting very close to getting my liquids in but not quite 64oz. I felt a lot better once I started getting the protein in the atkins drinks.
Don's going to try putting the flavorless protein in some sugar free jello and see how that does.

Don has been amazing. He is truly the best husband any one could hope for. He has helped me do everything from bathe to go to the bathroom. He strips my jp drain and changes the dressing. He gets my fluids every 15 minutes and keeps the logs of my input and output. He measures input and output and keeps that log. He helps me do my arm and leg exercises and keeps that log.

He started drinking slim fast and eathing healthy choice meals. I know he is going to loose weight right along with me. Hopefully, by the time we are in NY during spring break for his week long class - we will be 40-50 lbs lighter.

Katie is going back and forth. One minute she is concerned about me and wants to help Don and the next minute she is in her own little world wanting to play video games and listen to her ipod. I guess that is typical for a 7 year old. She was very loving before I went to the hospital though. She was worried.

I guess that is it for now. I miss being on the go, working on my eBay store, seeing my Sunny girl, Sam and I am very anxious to get on the move again. I'm anxious for Kelly to get me a plan to follow after month one!

This is the last day of 2006. It is Don's and my 15th wedding anniversary. It's also the start of a brand new life. I will face 2007 with excitement and courage to have new resolutions to my life that I will actually be able to keep. I want to get healthier. I want to be a better wife and mother. I want to enjoy small things and not worry so much about big or small things. I want to enjoy my animals - all six of them. I want to enjoy life!!! :)

LA :)

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