Thursday, December 14, 2006

It's A Wonderful Life?

It's A Wonderful Life is truly one of my all time favorite movies. Sometimes the holiday season gets jam packed with activities and I end up watching it while I am wrapping Christmas presents but I always try to watch it and White Christmas once during the lead up to Christmas.

Well, I need to drop everything sometime during the next 24-hours and watch this movie. Jimmy Stewart is just awesome and I love the lesson that in this movie. Poor guy, he is always giving and somewhere tucked in the back of his mind are the things he thought he really wanted out of life... and then he gets a glimpse of how very different his life COULD have been... and it shakes him up and makes him realize how truly blessed he is - even though his life didn't quite turn out like he thought it was going to.

Well, I've been slowly getting completely and totally overwhelmed the past few weeks. I began the formal process of trying to get approval for gastric bypass surgery on October 20 of this year. Well, it's good that you have to do so MUCH STUFF for this approval to happen - because it ensures that you are making the right decision but - once things were really in place to go forward - I've been swamped with doctor's appointments, psychological appointments, nutritionist, support groups, etc. My surgery has finally been approved and should happen in the next four weeks. I'm very excited and scared! It's a HUGE step - many people think it's the "easy way" out but that is so not the case.

Aditionally, I have my eBay store which has taken off like a rocket - which is good, right!? I went to an ebay seminar with Lynn Dralle in Los Angeles back in November and came home with a wealth of knowledge, put it into action and WOW!!! I'm just a little online eBay store and my sales have been astronomical for a one gal show the past two months. But, that's just it - I'm a one gal show, except Don helps me with some shipping.

THEN, there is AC. His life has been a crazy whirlwind since his month long European trip this summer. He's fought stage 3 melanoma and dealth with Maxine's spinal/nuerological problems. But, now it is year end and we are swamped trying to get everything done that has to be done... so he's on top of me almost 24/7.

THEN, my family and friends. They should come first and somehow, the past month, I feel like that hasn't been the case. I had worked so hard to get Katie into STAR ( I have had her on the waiting list since she was three and she is now 7 1/2. So, she finally got in and she's been four times and I haven't gone with her yet. I am going today and I'm very excited, because Don has been telling me how incredible it is.

We put our tree up the Saturday after Thanksgiving which is our tradition. But, we've yet to decorate it - which is not our tradition. I haven't done anything to our house to make it feel like Christmas. I've done every bit of my shopping online this year except a few minor things last Wednesday night. If I could grocery shop online without it costing a fortune, I'd do that too!

I keep telling myself... just hang in there. In three months, I'll be able to hop right up on Sunny or Sam and go galloping across the pasture with the wind in my hair and there is no stress on the back of a horse.

What's that Will Roger's saying?...."The best thing for the inside of a human is the outside of a horse." That is totally true. Sunny, Sam, Pretty Girl, Zipper, Oz... All of our favorite horses have made a HUGE difference in mine and Katie's life. Don wont admit it - but it has for him too! :)

More later...
LA :)

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