Thursday, May 21, 2009

Zippers, Calories & Bugg's - Oh My!

That was suppose to be a take on "Lions & Tigers & Bears, Oh My!" Anyway...

Thank God for zippers because all of my Size 16 pants started getting tight on me!  I had become so complacent and I'd stop weighing weekly.  Yikes!  There was NO WAY I was going back up in sizes.

I've been working hard this week to get back on track with taking care of myself.  I did not start a diet!

I almost got myself in big trouble by "dieting" again!  Diets are bad, bad, BAD!!!  I had started that pattern that I began when I was 16 years old... starting a diet... loosing five pounds... feeling deprived and going off the diet and then "making up for lost time" and gaining 6-7 pounds.  It doesn't take a math genius to figure out that slowly but surely... this is the way to put back on weight!

The thing that I am sure that will work for me long term is being vigilent about counting every calorie that goes into my mouth.  If I can't find nutritional data on the food - I'm going to do my best to steer clear of it!  My family doctor said that she wanted to see me get to 160 and we'd re-evaluate.  That means I should not be eating more than 1600 calories a day.  Simple math again... Goal weight x 10... 160 x 10 = 1600.

Wearing the BodyBugg helps me keep in mind that I'm not only logging every calorie but I'm also keeping track of my minutes of moderate activity level, my calories burned and steps taken.

I'd like to try to loose 2 pounds a week which means that daily I need to have a calorie deficit of 1000.  Again with the math... 3500 calories is 1 pound.  1000 calories x 7 days is 7000 calories lost.  7000 calories /2 is 3500.

I'm trying to walk 5 miles a day MINIMUM!!  That typically is right about 1 hour of walking.  I'm also trying to do the elliptical every other day and build one minute per session.  Then, there is the farm... I usually burn calories at a higher rate when I'm at the farm.

The only thing I don't like about the BodyBugg heading into summer is, I can't wear it while swimming and it's VERY obvious on your arm with short sleeves or sleeveless tops.  But, oh well!  It's the price of knowledge and accountibility!

Simple math and hopefully I'm at my goal by January 2011... or sooner.

Here is an older video describing more about the BodyBugg by Bodymedia.

If anyone has questions about the BodyBugg, please email me at


1 comment:

  1. that looks so interesting. I followed your link from FB - I have been doing - same basic concept, but you have to enter everything online.
    Good luck with your new healthy lifestyle!
