Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Taking A Break

It's been a gloomy rainy day and all I've done since 7:30am is numbers, numbers, numbers so I'm taking a little break and letting my eyes and fingers focus on words instead of numbers for a few.

This is the one time of year that I actually don't like working from home. A day like today - it was hard to fight taking a nap... especially when my eyes glazed over and got blurry. Also, it's hard when Katie comes home from school and I'd like to shut my laptop and spend time with her but I'm under the gun and can't!

Don went out in the mud and rain and walked my boy around this morning! Such a great husband! He's gonna do it again for me tomorrow and then hopefully I'll be able to be back taking care of Lakota.

Dad is home from the hospital! His spirits are so good!! He says he's in a lot of pain but he was making jokes and being him! Marilyn is tired and is not in as good of spirits. I wish I could do something to cheer her a little. I know this is hard for her... she's afraid. She's already lost one husband in her life and now she's being faced with that again!! We just have to be firm in our faith that no one leaves this earth until it's their time and God is in control! If you don't believe that... living through the scare of loosing someone you love so much would drive you insane!!

A few people, family and friends, have asked me recently how I can be so open on my blog and talk so freely about personal family things and my weight, etc...? I'm just an open person (now at least... I didn't use to be).

In 2009, it's hard to have secrets from anyone. You can't even keep private what the front of your house looks like... it's on Google. You can't really have an unlisted number... even if you are paying for it. Just ask the creditors who have tracked me down for my grandparents.

Why hide? Why not be open!? I've been making far more friends and acquaintances since I've opened up my world and it's made me a much happier person. Don is finding the same to be true for him too!

I think even though I haven't reached my goal weight and I've struggled the past year trying to get/stay motivated to loose these last 40 pounds... I still feel such an accomplishment, feel so much better and have so much more confidence in myself, my abilities and what I can do in life.

I'm sure that's definitely contributed to me being much more open.

I'll keep updates posted on Dad!

LA :)

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