Wednesday, March 4, 2009


1 : a member of a western division of the Dakota peoples
2 : a dialect of Dakota; Sioux tribe
3 : a good friend

A good equine friend is what we are hoping for.

Some people have understood my search for another horse these past weeks and I know some haven't. My heart has been so broken by Belle's untimely death. It was tragic and even though I never saw her body - I've struggled to not have horrible images in my head.

I wasn't even sure that I could really bond with another horse. I knew Katie could and for Don - it's different! He enjoys being around horses and I think he's enjoyed the search for a new one... but for him, it's much different.

I had spent countless hours with Belle, in many ways trying to get her vices worked out so that she could eventually be a great horse for Katie as well as me. Belle was definitely a girls horse. She was too small for Don and the few times that Mike rode her it was odd. She was just a "girly" horse.

Well, we looked at quite a few. I fell in love with a horse named Pepper and she was the first horse that helped me realize that I could bond with another horse. But, she was going to foal in May which meant it would have been late summer before the colt or filly would be weaned and I could have her.

Then there was Silver, a pretty silver dapple Tennessee Walker in Seymour. She was a sweetheart on the ground, great with Katie and when one of the cowboy like older men rode her with spurs, she was wonderful. When I rode her - NADA. She didn't do anything I asked...

There were a few others... none a good fit. A horse named Sierra, a beautiful palomino named Zoe (I've ALWAYS wanted a palomino)... and then we drove quite a ways to see a jet black Tennessee Walker named Sadie. I had seen video of her and she was exquisite. She had been in parades, taken young girls 10-12 on trail rides... she sounded perfect. PLUS, this particular farm had more than 10 other horses available. Surely out of 11+ horses, there would be one that might be a good match.

Here is Sadie...

Of course, since Sadie was the one I'd been most interested in, when we went to this farm, they brought her out first. She had an adorable personality. She LOVED attention and she was great with Katie. An 82 year old man named Bud rode her for me. He was a character. He rode her without a bit first, neck reined her and said "this is a dead broke horse here..."

NOT! I was so excited and I got right up on her and rode her in this huge indoor track around the barn. Once I felt comfortable, I took her outside, rode her up a hill and when I turned around to head back - she reared up. It rattled me... I thought it was just a fluke so I let up on the reins and called for help. Once one of the owners Kim and Don were quick to get out there with me, I tried to get her to head back to the barn again and she reared up quickly three more times. I had to get off that horse! That was the end of my relationship with Sadie.

They brought out a few others... none of which were good fits with Katie so I didn't even ride. Then they brought out a gelding spotted saddle horse named Champ that was almost identical to Belle in his markings and looking into his eyes... it felt like looking into Belle's eyes. I immediately started crying. But Katie was already hooked.

He practically fell asleep with his neck on Katie's shoulder. He was so gentle and kind so after one of the guys rode him, Don rode him. Don loved how responsive he was so I hopped on. He would turn on a dime, and was so well mannered but when I got him into a fast walk and then into a canter... I thought I was gonna bounce off the saddle. For him to have been a gaited horse, he was so ROUGH and bouncy!

Don and Katie really wanted him but I was being very picky. If we were going to get another horse - it had to be one that was FUN to ride, really ride. One that was great around Katie. One that didn't have many vices to work through... there was criteria that I had.

We looked at a few more... I wasn't ready to commit. I was actually already a little depressed because I thought... either another horse now WAS NOT meant to be or the search would continue.

Then they brought out Lakota. Katie had already been talking to this guy in his stall. He is a paint (spotted colors) which is Katie's favorite. I think maybe the contrast with the white and black/brown. So Katie immediately started loving on him and they started showing us how great his ground manners were. He didn't even have to be cross tied or tied to a post to be tacked up. He just stood patiently. Then they rode him and he was beautiful.

But, he had piercing blue eyes. That really threw me. I've been around a horse with one blue eye before and it was just kind of weird for me. PLUS, he's big. Like Sunny big almost. He's 15.2hh and I wanted a horse in the 14hh range.

After they rode him for a bit, the convinced me to ride him. He looked so smooth, I agreed. I knew I DID NOT want this horse but I thought - I'll ride him and we will head on home.

I rounded the first corner and clucked once and he shifted into that fast walk and I clucked again and he shifted into a canter and I said "Oh my gosh, he's wonderful"... THAT WAS IT. I was sold. They couldn't get me off him.

He will hopefully make a great addition. I'm convinced that once he really bonds with us, he will be a horse like Sunny, one that Katie can ride all summer long and for many years to come.

I was already dreading this summer. Katie will have STAR and swimming but I really want something that will get us out of the house daily.

The farm I had found to move Belle to is just incredible. I've already been spending time there and making friends and it's FAR different than the farm where we had Sunny and Belle and then the farm where I had Belle.

I still have moments of breaking down over loosing Belle. She meant so much to me. Katie even still has a hard time with it and she wasn't nearly as close to Belle as she is Sunny.

I thought briefly about asking for Sunny back from STAR. She's still ours and we can have her back any time we want but STAR has put so much work into Sunny and she's doing great there... so that really wasn't an option.

Don is also very happy about Lakota. He's going to be a more versatile horse. He's very level headed, and I think he will be my horse... but Don and Katie will very much enjoy being around him and riding him as well... so even though he will be "mine" and I'll be doing most of the work with him... he will be a family horse.

Here's hoping Lakota brings us many years of happy memories!!

LA :)

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