Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Horse That Can Fly

Templeton Thompson is one of my new favorite artist. Her, Mary Ann Kennedy and Katie Drake have some great music for horse lovers!

The song in my video is Templeton Thompson's "A Horse That Can Fly". I'd like to believe that Belle really is in heaven running through beautiful pastures waiting for me to ride her bareback one day.

I can't imagine a heaven with no horses. They are truly God's most beautiful creation.

There is an old Arabian proverb..."The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears".

I might have to move Lakota to a different farm because of his injury and what's needed for his recouperation. It's made me so sad because I've started building such good friendships at this farm and I can literally just pop out there, spend 1/2 hour with Lakota when I can. I'm literally getting to see him almost every day and work with him a LOT!!!

I know that's caused me to be more emotional but I also never really grieved loosing Belle. I threw myself into finding another horse and I'm glad that I did... I would have Lakota... and he's AMAZING!!

But I do miss Belle!

LA :)

1 comment:

  1. Templeton Thompson is AWESOME! Every song she sings is a hit!
