Monday, June 9, 2008

Our Sunny Girl Has A New Mission In Life

She is now a part of the herd at STAR. We've been so very busy with Gran's care, the condo, just LIFE in 2008... we haven't been able to spend near enough time at the farm to justify the boarding expense... not to mention that Sunny and Belle haven't been getting any attention hardly.

So, we approached STAR to see if they would be interested in both Sunny and Belle because we wanted to try and keep them together! Well, they were immensely interested in Sunny because she is a big girl since she has Belgian in her and they have adult riders with special needs... some being larger and Sunny can definitely accommodate larger riders!

They went to look at Sunny a little over a week ago and they picked her up this morning. They had planned to look at Belle this morning before getting Sunny and Don had told me about what they put Sunny through when they looked at her. The rode her (obviously) but they also danced around her like Indians, flailed their arms and acted crazy. You have to remember some of the kids at STAR have behavior problems and act kind of wild...

Well, so we went out early this morning to do some preliminary work with Belle and try to get her kinks out before they got there. Belle is only five and tends to get freaked out much easier than Sunny. Again, Don and I were not communicating well and I thought he was done acting like a crazy person and I went to put my arm and hand up on Belle rubbing her back when he flailed his arms again and she knocked me over trying to get away from him.

Don said when he saw me - I was airborne - my entire body and I landed hard on my butt! At least she didn't step on me when she was trying to get away from crazy, arm flailing Don. :)

Needless to say - I'm sore AGAIN!

I have to go get my hair cut and highlighted this afternoon... that should be fun! Sitting is not very comfortable after that fall this morning.

But, Sunny made the short trip to STAR just fine. I just called to check on her and they are THRILLED to have her. They told me that she's just hanging out in her stall wondering why so many people keep coming and staring at her. She's going to be treated wonderfully - stalled, grain fed daily, turned out in the pasture at night, groomed daily... she's gonna love it. She loves attention and she's going to get a lot!!

And, since we got Belle's spookiness worked out before they arrived - she was PERFECT for them. She didn't flinch - so they are VERY interested in her. They currently have a 20 year old TN Walker that is starting to have soundness issues - so Belle will probably replace him sometime in the coming months.

They are still ours - we just don't have to pay boarding and now - at least Sunny so far - will be getting so much attention and we can see her anytime we want. Hopefully, Belle will join her soon.

More later!
LA :)

PS - Gran's Living Estate sale was a semi-success. I deposited $1100 into her account - that's the good news. All that sold seemingly was junk... that's the bad news. I guess it could also be good news. I still have a TON of furniture to sell.

Gran was doing GREAT this weekend when I visited her. She is getting involved and continuing to make friends! What a BLESSING this place turned out to be. It's amazing!

Also, Dad is having his next-to the last radiation treatment today. The radiation is going well - his recovery from the lymph node surgery is not doing so good.

1 comment:

  1. Tennessee Mama DuckJune 10, 2008 at 4:12 AM

    LA, You know what!? One thing that I noticed in the ads this past weekend was that there were so MANY estate sales!! I wonder if that hurt you? How about an antiques dealer??
