Saturday, January 5, 2008

This is what I'm talking about

So today was the best day we'd had at the farm in weeks. Partly due to the crazy busyness of the holidays and partly due to how crummy the weather has been. Our guys were very happy to see us. After we tried to get them groomed and cleaned up - that was a tough job - they were sooooo dirty... Don wanted to run them both in the arena - together. We've never done that.

But, they did great! I think us riding them together has actually started helping them form a friendship - as much as horses can be friends.

Belle has had her buddies since coming to the farm. Fudge, a pretty paint mare, has been a consistent buddy to her. However; Sunny has never really had "buddies". Sunny is a BOSS mare and she dances to her own tune. But, she has really started to accept Belle.

If we are in the pasture with Sunny and any horse other than Belle comes close to us, Sunny's ears go flat against her head and she lets them know in no uncertain terms to SCRAM!! But, she doesn't do that with Belle anymore.

We are still cautious when we have them together - because horses are so unpredictible but they really are doing well together.

I always love watching Don run Sunny in the arena because she responds to him solely on his voice commands and when he's done - he can just pat on his chest and say "OK, Sunny, come on" and she turns in and comes right to him. It was awesome today him running both of them!!

Katie of course, was totally in her element. She spent some great time with Belle today. Belle was even enjoying a lot of attention from Katie. It was the first time they've really connected and started enjoying being around each other. Katie can tend to still have eratic movements and Sunny never flinches but Belle, since she is still so young, will fling her head back with big eyes... but not today! And, it wouldn't be a visit to the farm with Katie if she didn't spend time with Oreo and Coyte - the cats and Belle - the Great Pyrenees watch dog.

Oh, Gremlin, the rooster that doesn't like Don and hides to try and attack him - made a run at Katie today! I think he finally associated Katie with Don and that was bad news! Dog gone that rooster!! I think he's the only animal we've ever met that we don't like.

Other than that - it was a great day!

LA :)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day you had together! That is so great! I'm curious to know what farm your horses are at. Last year, I went on a field trip with the kindergarten class to a farm off of Ball Camp Pike. It was amazing! And so beautiful. Same one?
