Monday, January 28, 2008

My Bucket List

Lisa and Rick went to see The Bucket List this weekend and then she posted her "Bucket List" on her blog and I thought it was neat so therefore, I'm doing the same! :)

My Bucket List

1. To see Katie grow up and start a career with animals.
2. Compete with Belle in open competitions or be on a mounted drill team.
3. To get to my goal weight and wear a size 8.
4. Learn how to snow ski (other than going down the mountain saying "whoa, whoa!!!")
5. Learn how to water ski.
6. Own a farm or ranch with a six stall barn and an covered riding arena.
7. Travel to Cape Town, South Africa.
8. Travel to Switzerland and Austria.
9. Have a two-week vacation in Hawaii.
10.Celebrate my 60th wedding anniversary...43 years from now.

That's the top ten - I guess! I'm sure there are many, many other things that will be added in the future.

Everyone has to have dreams! They are a MUST! But, if (God Forbid) I were to find out tomorrow that I had limited time left on this earth - I would not regret anything! I do love my life and I'm so blessed and happy!

LA :)


  1. Those are wonderful aspirations! Hey, maybe we can learn to water ski together. But I want to wait and do it in a bikini. ;) Now that's an aspiration!

  2. That is awesome! I love that you end it with no regrets! Very cool!

  3. I love your list. I love that we are going to have fun the next 43 years and have a big party on our 60th

  4. Good List...and a great idea to make one!

    I really enjoyed seeing you today at STAR (this is Sheila, btw). I had had a difficult morning getting there, but spending time catching up with you made me feel so much better. Thanks!

    Here is my blog in case you have time to stop by:

    Take care, friend! And good luck this week.
