Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Long Time No Post

WOW, I think this is the longest I've gone without blogging. I've missed it actually. Life has just been crazy busy. It's 2007 and EVERYONE is busy but I hit these spells about four-five times a year where it just seems like life spins out of control. Between Katie hitting a rough spot again with her sleep and behavior, taking care of Gran, tax deadlines for us personally and Mr. Client, trying to get going on eBay again - especially for Christmas, taking care of myself and trying to stick to my goals... that's just to name the most everyday things.

I tried to start working with Anna - the WA instructor. She does small group personal training and I'd love to do that - but I had to cancel once because she about killed me physically and then I had to cancel once because of Katie - so I'm holding off on that at least until after fall break and hopefully things will have slowed down. She's very intense... but in a fun way. I called Lisa the first time after working with her and I was very hyper saying "she's on valium when she does WA classes" because she was so much harder out of the water. She freaked a lot of people out at first when she started teaching at the Y because they were use to classes geared for seniors and Anna's classes are packed full of cardio intense stuff.

Anyway, I haven't lost ONE pound in two weeks. Maybe I'm building muscle? Maybe I've hit a plateau? I'm worrying about my birthday goal now. I tried to wear a pair of 14 jeans out to the farm on Monday and I'm sure I would have split the seam so I am still in a 16 basically. I mean, can you really say you wear a size ?? if you have to lay down on the bed to zip the zipper? LOL! NO! Well, I have a little over two weeks - but there is also a fall vacation smack dab in the middle of that.

I think from here on out it's going to be slow going. I'm suppose to have slowed to a pound a week. I knew it was going to happen - it was just fun watching those numbers go faster! *sigh*

I think we are going to Hilton Head. Mr. Client has offered to let us use his house - in exchange for Don and I doing a few technical things that he needs done down there. It might be fun though... I think I have things lined up for Gran's care, the dogs - it'd be nice to "get away" and it not be for eBay related stuff. Although, I've already scoped out thrift shops in Hilton Head, Savannah and Beaufort. Right time, right place you never know what you might find. Serena, a gal from the Palm Springs boot camp - purchased a $2 bracelet at the church run thrift store that we invaded that Friday night and she sold it for $278. I love those kind of stories. So far, the best I did was a .25 peacock vase that sold for $12.78.

Katie had an OT & PT eval today... working toward getting her into that Interactive Metronome Therapy. Hope, one of the mom's at the farm has a daughter who has been through this therapy and the results were AMAZING!!! She still has to have an auditory processing evaluation but it looks like we wont get in to have that done until January. Unreal how these specialists book up and now I don't have my special person who use to could pull strings for me anymore.

One last thought - I almost did it again! I was getting on Belle this morning at the farm and she took off. Not quite like what happened this summer - but this time I remained in complete control. I got my foot in the other stirrup while I used the reins to get her stopped. FLASHBACKS!! Had to just hang out on her for a minute or two until my heart settled back into my chest at a normal rhythm. The rest of the morning was perfect with her. Even rode out in the pasture which is just heaven on earth to me. It's rolling hills with amazing scenery - warm sunshine - cool breeze - it relaxes me just thinking about it!

Don has been enjoying Sunny. Horses get there winter coat based on the daylight and not temperatures, like I thought. Sunny is ready for a blizzard - she already has that clydesdale thing going on around her hooves... she's got that belgian draft in her. But Katie loves rubbing on her right now because she truly feels like a plush stuffed animal - her coat is soft as velvet and so furry. Sunny loves Katie! On Saturday after STAR - we are going on a field trip with Sunny and Belle. Literally - we are taking them into the woods at the farm on a trail by foot. Just to see how they do - much more control of them from the ground if something goes awry.

Have to share my funny picture of my funny little Hogan! Just love him so much! For him to be such a "dog" - a big dog in a medium size dog body - total mischief in his thinking always - he is so full of love and cuddles.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer & DavidOctober 10, 2007 at 8:54 PM

    It's about time!!! I've missed you and your life!! I love the ears on your dog; he's cute!
    You are such an amazing and inspirational person -- I'm so proud of you for your weight loss goal; you may hit some plateaus now and again, but sometimes that means you just need to tweak the exercise regimen differently or combine foods differently; whatever it is, I know you'll do great and succeed! I want to see some pictures of you!!

