Monday, October 29, 2007

Well, It Happened!!!!

I turned 40! I had such a nice birthday!! Don and Katie took me out to dinner tonight - to Katie's favorite restaurant of course! :) I had a birthday lunch with Lisa and Don (thanks Lisa & Rick) today at my favorite restaurant. I ate too much today but it's okay because I went on fall vacation and lost weight... YAY! I finally hit the 140 mark... I crawled there but I made it. I missed my goal of officially being in a size 14 by the time I turned 40. I'm wearing a 14/16 but an actual 14 is snug. I'll get there!

Don and Katie gave me a video for my birthday. Don put a lot of work into and it was very special. Mom helped him with pictures of my childhood. He found footage that we thought we'd lost forever of Katie's first steps and a few other special moments. I loved it... well almost all of it. He somehow came across video that my Uncle Jim took of me singing... ACK! That was painful! Oh, and then there was the blaring alarm with a blinking 40...

Katie had NEVER said anything to me about being fat or overweight except once when she said my tummy was "squishy" and one time a few months ago about my butt being big. Well, tonight when we were watching the video together, she said "wow, mommy, you use to be fat". Kids and their honesty!!! So glad she used the past tense....So glad I'm at least almost average. Don recently read that the average size woman was a size 14.

Lisa also made my birthday very special with a beautifully framed and personalized picture of us together... I LOVED it! She also gave me a big bag of goodies... she would make an excellent personal shopper because she nailed it!

I'm going to be going to North Carolina this weekend to celebrate my 40th and Mom's 65th together! I'm really looking forward to it! It's neat that we hit our milestone birthday's the same year - and so close together! We are going to go estate and garage sale-ing for eBay. I love doing that over there - it's so much fun with MomMom when we get home with our finds. She is amazing at the research and always has fun going through the treasures we found. Mom is also going to take me shopping for my birthday! YAY! I think she'll love the gift we got her.

We didn't get to go to the farm today like we had planned. Katie had a very rough night last night and I only got 3 hours of sleep. Not the smartest thing in the world to do... work with 1200 pound animals when you are very tired. We are going to go on Wednesday.

Other than that... perfect day, spent with favorite people... nice way to start a new decade!

More tomorrow of Katie in her leopard diva costume! Should be fun!
LA :)


  1. Jennifer & DavidOctober 29, 2007 at 9:55 PM

    You look so awesome!!! I am so jealous!! I think I'll put your picture all over my house for inspiration! Happy, Happy 40th! (Course, I'm still younger!! lol!) But I do think with age comes wisdom, so just think, you're aging smarter!! You are a wonderful inspiration and I love reading about your life and family and I'm just missing one thing........scrapbook layouts!! Where are they!??
    love ya,

  2. You are just beautiful, both on the inside and the outside. Welcome to your 40s. Let's make some beautiful memories over the next decade. Just think you are just 10 years away from being eligible for the Red Hat Society! Yay!

  3. Oh and by the way, 140!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!

  4. Happy Birthday, friend!!! (belated...)
