Friday, April 17, 2009

Life On Planet Cowgirl

I have a new favorite music artist and cowgirl mentor... Templeton Thompson! I've had the music from her first three CD's on my iPod for a while now and the video of I did of me working with Belle a few weeks ago was using one of her songs "A Horse That Can Fly".

She seemingly has a very strong faith and a deep passion for horses and that is reflected in her music and couldn't be any better suited for me, AND Katie!

She is coming out with a new CD later this spring "Life On Planet Cowgirl" and she was offering a limited number of CD's as a pre-release titled "Life On Planet Cowgirl - Sketches". It has an audio commentary intro for every song telling the backstory for the song. I got it in the mail today and Katie and I listened to it over and over going to the farm and back tonight... we fell in love with it instantly!!


Today was just the BEST day in a long time!

The weather could not have been more beautiful!
I didn't wake up with a sinus headache like I have every other morning this week.
I had a GREAT riding lesson this morning with Arthur and Lakota.
I had a lovely lunch and mid-day shopping trip with my wonderful husband!
I had a great late afternoon 30 minute cat nap.
Then I had a great evening with Katie tonight, going to the farm and hanging out with Lakota, giving him apples and letting him make applesauce... (Don wasn't with us because he was at a rehearsal).
And, I got Templeton's CD in the mail.

Here is a photo of Arthur with Lakota! He's my new trainer, new friend and new adopted extended family member! :) I've just clicked with him - He's ALWAYS so happy. He's been working with gaited horses since he was 8 years old... so he KNOWS what he's doing. He still judges local horse shows and has a champion Racking Horse. He's done wonders, in just a few lessons, of helping me to find my riding confidence again!

Lakota has the smoothest gait... he's just a joy to ride. For the most part... he's young and has some stubbornness issues that Arthur is helping to work out but he's very sane under saddle. And he's just a love bug on the ground.... he just wants attention and loving. Wednesday when I got to the farm, he literally trotted to the gait when we heard me. That was awesome!!

My dad recently told me that I have a happiness in me when I'm with horses that he's never seen in me... I truly think that it is my passion. Don even says I'm a different and better person on the days I get time at the farm.

I'm adopting Templeton Thompson's slogan....

Dream Big, Work Hard, Have Faith!

LA :)

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