Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What Really Truly Matters

I was inspired by a friends blog to do this...

When I sit down and really think about what I want from life
the people that I want to surrounding me
the wife and mother I strive to be
the business that I envision running with my husband
the travels I hope to take
the house I want to own on land with our horses
how rich and full I want my days to be

When I sit down and think about our new president and the hope so many of us have
my interest in spirituality and the questions I have
the existing friendships I want to nourish and new friends I hope to make
the photos I want to take
the scrapbooks and journals I wish to keep
the walls that I will paint
the people I hope to meet

It makes all the petty, ridiculous, ugliness in the world seem so minuscule and humorous
I really, really want to focus on what matters, what truly matters
I'm trying extremely hard to be the human being that I want to be - the one I know I can be
Kind, Compassionate, Giving, Thoughtful, MOTIVATED AND DETERMINED and Creative
I want to be a better mother, a more attentive, nurturing mother
I want to be a sweeter wife - never takes a night of listening to my husband's heart beating in his chest for granted
I want to be a kinder friend - that is a listener and less of a talker

Daily decisions.
Daily choices.
I get to decide how I will act and react to anything thrown my way

One day at a time, one moment at a time... never taking anything for granted!

LA :)

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