Saturday, January 10, 2009

2009 - The Year of Hope & Also Learning To Love Me

I was very happy to see 2009 arrive! Eight is my favorite number... I don't know why, it just always has been! But, 200EIGHT was a very tough year for my family and even a few others I'm close to!

So, welcome 2009!!

I have a lot of hope for 2009 and HOPE does seem to be a recurring theme for many people I have encountered recently!

2009 is also going to be the year that I finally conquer some of my nemesis! I don't have resolutions... I think you've heard me rant about New Years Resolutions before... most are long forgotten by January 31st.

However, I'm starting a 21-day journey on Monday. It's an online class with Ashley Wren and it focuses on "Learning To Love Yourself in 2009". A big focus of this class is living healthier and losing weight! There is a great online support forum for fellow scrapbookers who are all dealing with similar issues.

I'm going to try and chronicle as much as I can of this (continued) journey and hopefully my progress on my blog. My blog was a good accountability tool when I was loosing weight... when I was easily loosing weight! Now that the weight loss has been thrown back in my court completely and is no longer a result of the surgery... hopefully blogging about it and posting some of my creative outlets concerning it will help and hold me accountable.

I have not weighed since December 14th and I'm dreading like everything getting on that scale on Monday. But, I can't beat myself up... there are many "excuses" for what that number is going to be on Monday but the thing I have to focus on is moving forward. So Monday, it's back to BodyBugg, AM Walking 3-5 miles a day, Eating healthy throughout the day and PM Workouts.

Also, there is a new season of The Biggest Loser which I think is going to be amazing!! If these people who, for the most part, are far larger than I was at my heaviest, can do this and reach a healthy life... so can I! So can my husband!

Here is the beginning excerpt from my online class...

Better late than never... Because of previous commitments, I'm not starting my 21-day journey until Monday, Jan 12th. I've been reading and printing and starting to assemble my binder. Also, planning out menus and grocery lists. Planning is KEY!

Here's my 411.

Name: Leeann Samples

Three goals for the new year:
#1 - Making ME a priority... I always put ME at the bottom of my list (to include exercise, continued weight loss [I've lost 144 or so pounds since December 2006]
#2 - Planning and being better organized and
#3 - De-cluttering my office, my scraproom, my whole house (one room a month) and basically de-cluttering my life and daily schedule!
#4 - I'm horrible at adhering to limits... by December 2009 to ride my horse Belle bareback with no mounting block!

What convinced you to take this class: Being stuck in a rut... haven't been able to reach my goal weight...still 40 pounds away. Also, have been in a rut with NOT scrapbooking, NOT taking enough pictures and NOT taking any time for me. AW is an inspiration and I read her recent blog entry with tears streaming down my face. You go girl!!

I had gastric bypass surgery on December 27, 2006 and lost 144 pounds. I have gone up 5-10 and down 5 pounds consistently for the past 9-10 months and it's heartbreaking to me. After my surgery, I experienced life-threatening complications and was critically ill for over 3 weeks. It is heartbreaking to me that after going through that, all that... food is still "my drug" and my "go to fix" when I've had a stress filled day (which I have MANY) or am depressed (which is often) and that I went through all of what I went through and still am not "cured" with my food attachment! Depression is a cruel, cruel illness because I have SO VERY MUCH to be thankful for in my life which makes it so extremely frustrating when I'm depressed!

I have to embrace what I have accomplished and move forward trying to realize that I do want to reach my goal weight but I'm still significantly better off than two years ago. But I do have to learn to make ME my number one priority or I'm not going to strong or healthy enough to live the long life I hope to live!

Greatest Attribute:
My love for people and animals and LIFE! I would do almost anything for anyone I care about!

Biggest Downfall: Depression, staying motivated and on track and getting BACK on track when I do get derailed!

Name a Christmas gift you got: BodyBugg and spending Christmas with my dad who fought a serious form of cancer this past year!

Family: Don (amazing husband of 17 years), adopted daughter Katie who is 9 and is the LIGHT of my life, Brinkley the Golden Retriever who is 10, Hogan the Puggle who is 3 and such a snuggle buddy and Gizmo, the 15 pound Himalayan kitten who thinks he rules our entire abode who is 9 months old and HUGE!

Three of your favorite things:
My iPhone, my MacBook Pro, My Bodybugg, my Canon 40D and my Treadmill... sorry, I know that's FIVE but I love stuff!!

Oh yeah, and falling asleep to the sound of rain... not to be confused with my new disdain for rain during the day.

LA :)

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to ask you about Ashley's class today but never could get to it. It looks like it is going to be awesome and I look forward to reading all about it. It's good motivation for me too as I once again embark on the weight loss journey.

    Love ya
