Monday, November 5, 2007

Great Trip To North Carolina

I went to North Carolina this past weekend to help my mom celebrate her 65th birthday! So neat that we both had milestone birthday's so close together! It was a lot of fun. I got to spend time with Ronnie & Stacy (my cousin and his wife) and got to catch up with Uncle Ronnie & Aunt Linda.

But, I got some great quality time with my mom and my MomMom. Mom and I went shopping for clothes and also went to estate sales and garage sales for our eBay stores. We loaded up the Blazer - it was packed full of china and dinnerware! We were out early Saturday morning - so early we were using flashlights at this one estate sale that had their "junk" in the yard and their good stuff in the house. The stuff in the house was way, way, way overpriced but we got some great finds digging through piles of dinnerware on tables in the yard sale portion.

I was pretty jealous of their system for storing their store inventory. I'm always walking around going "bada bada, bada bada bada buh"... the tune to that old tv show Sandord and Son... the junk collectors. Well, our home isn't "that" bad but I feel overwhelmed sometimes and we are trying to decide whether to have a storage barn built in the back or rent a storage unit because we've run out of room and I still have 1000+ items to list.

They have a BIG basement with neatly organized shelves. They are doing a great job! MomMom is awesome at research and is really enjoying the stories of some of their finds. Mom cracks me up "Leeann, I could never do as well as you because I don't have the eye for this"... then she goes out and spends $4 on a box... a box that turned into $200 and is now in a museum in Pennsylvania. Yeah, mom just doesn't have the eye! LOL!!

MomMom and I got to catch up on all our political thoughts. I love my grandmother so much and I LOVE talking politics with her! She reads EVERYTHING! She is such a researcher and I always think that I am doing a great job of keeping up with world events, domestic issues, etc. until I talk to her and she tells me so much I didn't know.

Mom and I got MomMom a minocular for viewing birds, deer, etc in their backyard. She's really been enjoying being on their screened in back porch but her vision continues to deteriorate slowly so this will be a big help in her watching the wildlife in their back yard.

It was the neatest feeling in the world that they were able to give me clothes. It was fun shopping for clothes but it was also fun "raiding their closets". My cousin Ronnie made me feel so good... he would be talking and he'd stop mid sentence and say "Leeann, I just can't get over how good you look" and he'd give me a hug. Then, he'd go back to talking and then he'd stop and say "you just look so good" and then another hug, then back to talking. He did that almost the entire visit. I had not seen him since April.

I went Thursday afternoon and came home Sunday morning and the trip just FLEW! Ronnie and Stacey are going to come over soon to spend the weekend with us! I'm really looking forward to that!

Hope everyone had a great Monday!
LA :)

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