Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Fathers Day To Remember

So, Don and I had decided that we weren't going to make a big deal about mothers day or fathers day this year because of our kitchen and bath reno and how it uncovered all these extra things we needed like ripping up the flooring completely, layers and layers of vinyl and ceramic through the years and warping subfloors.

We had a nice little budget worked out for these renovations and I was doing a ton of the work myself... especially since I'm a DIY pro after all the HGTV and DIY I watched this winter and spring when I had bronchitis and no voice. I took notes and everything. ;)

Well, mothers day was nice and quiet and Don kindly stuck to the rules and he and Katie got me great cards and fixed me a yummy breakfast in bed.

However, me feeling like Don is the most incredible father and husband and he's done SOOOO much this year during my struggles with depression and loosing Gran. He took WONDERFUL care of Katie... I didn't spend a lot of money but I wanted to make the day special.

So, I looked on Cafe Press and tried to find a couple of fun t-shirts (in black of course). I looked all through the Apple stuff and decided on one that said iDAD. Katie loved it. We also picked out a LOST tshirt for him.

Long story getting longer... Katie and I went shopping yesterday at bargain stores for little trinkets to finish off the kitchen. I found these beautiful lace place mats and even cuter napkin holders. They are a lovely white, which I intend to change to black to go with the kitchen. I'll have to spray the napkin holders and dye the place mats. More crafty type things I've learned lately watching HGTV. ;)

Well, last night when Katie and I were getting his tshirts ready in a gift bag and his cards ready... I got the idea to use one of the frilly pink gift bags that I had with pink tissue paper and I put the lace placemats, napkin holders and even some new dishtowels in the bag.

Katie and I giggled all night. First thing this morning (6:45 to be exact) she wakes me up and says "is it time to give dad his gift?" Man, I thought kids were only suppose to do that on Christmas morning.

Don had a long wedding yesterday and didn't get in til midnight so I told Katie we were just going to let him sleep. I had gotten all the stuff to make his favorite breakfast... scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, biscuits and hash browns. All those things I can cook just fine except for the dog gone hash browns. They were those shredded ones like you get at iHop and you have to cook them with oil. I hate cooking with oil. I avoid recipes like the plague that require oil in a skillet.

Well, we started getting breakfast going about 9:30 thinking the turkey bacon cooking would wake him up. That thinking was dead on. Katie made him sit outside the kitchen and brought him magazines and orange juice for his wait.

Everything was going fine with me fixing breakfast. I was getting use to the new stove and range. VERY DIFFERENT!! I had everything going at once and all of a sudden, I realized those $@*! hash browns were burning. By the time I realized, the smoke alarm (which is tied to ADT) started going off. Don immediately put in the code to stop it. Well, ADT started calling us but we wouldn't know this because our cell phones were in the bedroom.

So, about 3-4 minutes go by, we've opened windows and turned on the fan to clear out the smoky from the $#@! hash browns. In the distance we heard sirens that got closer and closer. Guess who came to visit Don for fathers day! The Rural Metro Fire Department.

Guess what else? It was their second visit this week. When Eddie was here Thursday helping Don with the electrical work, they accidentally set off the alarm. Don didn't think it lasted long enough to matter, his cell was in the office and he was with Eddie upstairs. I was at AC's and always have my phone on silent. Both these times, they called my best friend Lisa who in turned tried to call us to make sure everything was ok.

This morning, Don explained again what happened Thursday and what happened this morning and they were all laughing. He asked if we'd be charged for it and they said NO unless it started becoming a habit. I wont be cooking with oil anymore so it definitely wont be a habit.

Long story continuing to be even longer... we ate breakfast which was yummy except for the $#@! which were down the disposal. When we finished breakfast, Katie went and got Don the joke gift. He was all confused about the pink bag and then just figured I was saving $$$ recycling a gift bag. Then when he started pulling stuff out, his ears turned red and I know he was thinking..."$#@!, I know we said our gifts to each other were the kitchen reno but lace.... Seriously?!"

We all laughed hard and he finally picked up that it was a gag. Then we gave him the real gift and he was happy.

We've hung out at the pool and we are going to grill hamburgers for dinner.

I talked to my dad early this morning to wish him happy fathers day and my gift to him was a homemade CD of 30 of his favorite oldies songs and setting up a Facebook account for him so he can reconnect with old high school friends.

So except for the fire department making a visit... I think Don's had a nice fathers day.

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