Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Wedding Photographer I'm Not

So you know I photographed Mary's wedding a few weeks ago.  Mary is a good friend, she was my first horse trainer and it was her farm that we had Sunny for over two years and Belle for a year.  I so enjoyed being a part of her special day and trying to capture it.

However, there was so much I wanted to do - artistic shots with the rings, her boots, the dress and I didn't get any of that.  Things moved too fast and I was shooting by myself.  I was disappointed... I felt like all I really got were "snapshot" type photographs but it was my gift to her and she wasn't even going to hire a photographer so hopefully, she will be happy with the photos.

I think I'll stick to horses, children and location family portraits.

Mary and Shay make a wonderful couple and seem to really be in tune with one another!!  I'm wishing them MANY years that are full of laughter, love, fun and joy!!


Monday, July 6, 2009

Very Low Key 4th & More Bookings

We were suppose to go to NC this past weekend and we were all looking forward to it so much! My cousin is home for good from Kuwait and I was looking forward to some time with her and Katie couldn't wait to see Sarah!

Well, of course, Katie got sick on Wednesday night! We were suppose to go on Friday. So, we've postponed until the end of the month... only we will have to go mid-week because Don's got weddings and I've got horse shows.

So, since we stayed home, we had a very low key 4th. Katie felt yucky most of the weekend so Don and I just used this weekend to try and get caught up. Don had five weddings, a recital and a training video and I had to finish up my last horse show and Mary's wedding.

I truly don't know how Don does what he does and enjoys it. I have so much more respect for the hard work he puts into a wedding after photographing Mary's. I care greatly for Mary and I very much enjoyed being a part of her special day... but a wedding photographer I'm not!! It's a lot of stress and you can't get a shot a second time. I should have had someone help me... most "wedding photographers" do have several photographers. I did the best I could.

I've gotten several more bookings for photographing more horse shows. I booked four on Friday and another today. I'm loving it so much!!

Hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th!!


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!!

It's my favorite holiday!!  There is usually no "pressure" with gifts and cooking huge meals!  There is sun, swimming, fireworks, usually relaxed time with family and friends... Maybe Christmas and Thanksgiving WOULD be better in Florida by the ocean or pool....


We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their CREATOR, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. (July 4th, 1776)