Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Game of Meme: Scattegories Edition

Wanna Play? Here are the rules:

* Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
* They have to be real places, names, things. nothing made up!
* You can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question.
* Tag at least 5 people to play along

1. What is your name? Leeann
2. A 4 Letter Word: Love
3. A Boys Name: Liam
4. A Girls Name: Lily
5. An Occupation: Lobbyist
6. A Color: Lilac
7. Something you wear: Lipstick (but not on a pig)
8. A Beverage: Long Island Ice Tea
9. A Food: Lasagna
10. Something found in the bathroom: Lights
11. A place: Lexington
12. A Reason for being late: Lounging
13. Something you shout: Laugh out loud (often)!!

Here are my buddies that I’m tagging…

1. Don
2. Sheila
3. Lisa
4. Lynne
5. Rose
6. Jen
7. Kathy
8. Kim
9. Richelle
10. Pam

And anyone else who wants to play. Don’t feel like you have to post this on your blog. It might easier to just cut and paste the questions and leave them as a comment. Also tag others only if you want to. :-D


  1. * Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
    * They have to be real places, names, things. nothing made up!
    * You can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question.
    * Tag at least 5 people to play along

    1. What is your name? Don
    2. A 4 Letter Word: Dawn
    3. A Boys Name: Dan
    4. A Girls Name: Dara
    5. An Occupation: Doctor
    6. A Color: Dark Blue
    7. Something you wear: Dockers
    8. A Beverage: Diet Dr. Pepper
    9. A Food: Dark Chocolate
    10. Something found in the bathroom: Drain
    11. A place: Dayton
    12. A Reason for being late: Dead
    13. Something you shout: Duck!!!!!!

  2. I did it over at my blog, so come and see! Thanks for including me, Leeann.

  3. 1. What is your name? Sheila
    2. A 4 Letter Word: Soul
    3. A Boys Name: Stephen
    4. A Girls Name: Sarah
    5. An Occupation: Scientist
    6. A Color: Spit Green
    7. Something you wear: Silky Boxers
    8. A Beverage: Sambuca
    9. A Food: Shrimp Cocktail
    10. Something found in the bathroom: Shampoo
    11. A place: Seattle
    12. A Reason for being late: Stupid
    13. Something you shout: Spiderman!!

  4. Tennessee Mama DuckOctober 9, 2008 at 6:04 AM

    1. What is your name? Richelle
    2. A 4 Letter Word: Rose
    3. A Boys Name: Ryan
    4. A Girls Name: Ruth
    5. An Occupation: Radiologist
    6. A Color: Red
    7. Something you wear: Rings
    8. A Beverage: Rum
    9. A Food: Ravioli
    10. Something found in the bathroom: Robe
    11. A place: Rome
    12. A Reason for being late: Relationships
    13. Something you shout: Ready!?

    That was harder than I thought it would be!!
