Saturday, August 1, 2009

So proud of my little horse gal!

Katie has been practicing all summer for the STAR Horse Show Party... It wasn't a party but she kept calling it that.  Well, it finally arrived today and she was so excited.  She found out yesterday that she wasn't going to get to ride RB, her normal horse but that she'd be riding a horse named Breeze.  She was a little frazzled by that at first because Katie is a lot like me... she connects with horses and doesn't just hop on their backs.

Star Show-25

But, she got all dressed up in her pink cowgirl boots, braids with pink ribbons (thank you so much Lisa!) and we set off for the show.  Lisa went with us and I'm so glad she did!  It was a special day and I've not gotten to spend much time with her in the past couple of months so it was great for her to be a part of today!!

We got there and it was hot... not terribly but Katie doesn't have a normal "temp gauge" and she was in jeans, boots and a helmet... but she seemed to do really well.  And, there was a lot of waiting and Katie was very patient.  So grown up!!

Anyway, she won three ribbons. She won 2nd place in the obstacle course, 3rd place in futures and 3rd place in equitation.

She was so excited!!  I think the photo says it all!!

This particular volunteer had never worked with Katie before but she was just fantastic!!  Such a vibrant personality and just thrilled for Katie!!

Katie has already had me show her on the calendar approximately when the next horse show will be so we could count down how many weeks she has to practice for the next show.

She actually decided that she really liked Breeze, even though she she's sad to learn that RB is 24 years old and probably fixin' to retire.  Wish we had that farm already for him to retire to... he's an incredibly sweet horse.

Don had a wedding today... well it actually just turned out to be a wedding reception because the venue wouldn't allow videography.  So, he was able to go after all... we'd been worried he would miss it!!

Such a happy day!!  Hope everyone had a happy Saturday as well!!
