Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Dream Home

I could live here... if I could just figure out how we could swing a $465,000 mortgage.

LA :)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Can You Do It In Six Words?

Describe your life, that is?

For me: More blessed than I ever deserved!

Give it a try!! Fore more, check out Larry Smith's book.

LA :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mending Hearts & Moving On

This weekend was a wonderful weekend. Don's mother and his Aunt Joyce came down for a visit and we had a lovely visit with them on Friday night and then they went with us to take Katie to STAR on Saturday. It's been so long since we'd seen Mom and it was great being with her. Katie loved every minute of it...

I think they enjoyed seeing Katie in action with the horses at STAR. She was pretty tired on Saturday morning but still did very well.

We lost a close family friend this past week and Katie took it very hard. It affected her at school and at home and the result was she was very tired yesterday - but it was still a great day.

Once Mom and Joyce headed home, we went to visit Gran and had a nice visit with her. Her memory continues to deteriorate but she was in good spirits and it was a good visit. Katie continues to grow taller - she's 4'6 and Gran continues to shrink so they are about the same height now...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fun At The Fair

We went to the TN Valley Fair last Saturday and had so much fun! Here are some of the pictures. Katie and I were pretty excited that there was a PINK roller coaster! How funny - we had a great time riding it until I realized it was on wooden blocks! Ack!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Long Time... No Post

Wow, I can't believe it's been a little over two months since I posted on my blog. The first part of the summer was so chaotic with getting Gran moved and settled and resources in place to help financially with her care and then getting her condo cleaned out, painted, cleaned and on the market.

I was so determined for Katie to have some summer fun because she did so much to help with the condo and with Gran. She's such a little trooper!!

We did get to do a few fun things this summer. We went to some fun movies with friends and as a family. Took in a Smokies baseball game with Katie and her friends and it was right at July 4th and there were GREAT fireworks after.

I did an amazing photography workshop with Rob Heyman. He is awesome and so talented and it was a fun two days meeting 10 other fun local photographers. Rob is from Brisbane, Australia and he and his wife did four workshops in the states. One of my favorite teachers at UT hosted the workshop in his home and it was just a great time. One fellow photographer was hilarious... reminded us all of Jim Carey in his personality and mannerisms and he kept us in stitches. Rob being from Australia has that great Australian accent and he was just so fun to listen to. I learned more from him in two days than I have at UT in 18 months.

I also got to have a little scrapbooking retreat with my dearest friend on the planet. That was in the midst of some of the hardest things I've ever done in my life so some quality time with her was definitely what the doctor ordered!! I don't know what I would do without her.

We went to North Carolina for a long weekend and Katie stayed with Mom and MomMom and Don and I got some alone time in a hotel. It was nice to visit with Mom, MomMom, Uncle Ronnie, Aunt Linda and we went out to dinner and hung out with my cousin Ronnie and his wife Stacey one night, which was a great time. The trip was great for all of us. It got us out of town at a much needed time and it was a great visit.

Katie loves spending time with my mom, MomMom and Aunt Linda. Aunt Linda is just the best with Katie. She always gets the best books, toys that are right up Katie's alley and then she plays with her. They have so much fun! She's just awesome!

Don and Katie had a lot of fun with MomMom's golf cart. The sun was too hot and too bright while we were there for MomMom to be the one out driving them around but that's what she loves to do.

We went and had a picnic with my close friend Sheila and her daughters at the Splash Park, where Katie fell and cracked her head on the concrete and then we spent the rest of the day at the doctor's office. What's childhood without some injuries though, right? Katie only remembers the fun from that day - not the scare!

And, we spent a week in St. Augustine, FL with my dad and Marilyn the week before Katie started 3rd grade. That was a mixed emotion packed week. Dad was really struggling emotionally and physically having come off that month long intensive treatment of interferon. He was to continue it at a lower dosage for 11 months but he only made it two weeks into the reduced treatment and had to stop. It was just too much for him.

I know of a 36 year old woman who was healthy before being diagnosed with stage IV melanoma just like my dad. And, just like dad, she had two surgeries and a month of radiation and then she started the month of interferon. She only made it two weeks and had to stop. It's tough stuff!

But, we did try to have some fun at the ocean. Katie has turned into such a great swimmer and her and I got boogie boards and man, did we take advantage of the awesome waves that week. We had so much fun in the ocean. I don't even think I ever had that much fun in the ocean when I was a kid.

Now Katie wants to learn how to surf. I have to loose this last 30 or so pounds so I can learn to surf with her! :)

We also did some fun touristy stuff in St. Augustine - which we fell in love with. I wouldn't mind living down there in 10 or so years.

And, Katie got to play dress up in Marilyn's wedding dress. She loved that! Marilyn is getting pictures of all five of her granddaughters in that dress and then putting them on her fireplace mantel. It's a neat idea.

When we came back from St. Augustine, something happened to my back. I had gotten knocked down right as we moved Sunny to STAR. Actually, I got knocked into the air and then landed on my ass. It hurt then and I was really sore for a few weeks back in June... but life had to go on. That's when we were finishing the condo.

But, the second night after we were back from St. Augustine, the night of Katie's first day of school, I started really hurting. Could barely move. By Wednesday, the pain was affecting my breathing and I couldn't do anything. Turns out I had/have a slipped disc and it probably stems back to that injury on the farm in June and it was aggravated by waves in the ocean, carrying suitcases, doing some things for my dad and marilyn, etc. So, I have been sleeping on the couch (not happily) since August 12th. It gets better and then I forget and do too much so it's like three steps forward, two steps back. I'm just so limited in what medicines I can take for injuries now.

Slowly but surely, I'm spending time with Belle on the new farm. It's much closer and the trainer, barn manager and boarders are all my age or older which is a nicer environment for learning. Plus, Katie has ended up with yet another grandmother like person who loves her. Now that Katie is back at STAR after our busy summer, we get to see Sunny once a week definitely. She seems to be doing well at STAR.

Katie successfully started the third grade and is working very hard. She is (after debate) doing 3rd grade level work that is modified. She just doesn't typically complete the whole assignment. If the typical student has 30 problems - Katie will do 15-20. She has her first book report to do this weekend.

Gran's memory has continued to rapidly decline. She is truly "living in the moment". She's seemingly happy, semi-pleasant but as soon as a question is out of her mouth and the question being answered, she repeats the same question - word for word. I've eased up on myself about visiting her weekly. I'm working hard to ensure that her care is paid for - Don and I have been paying the deficit and she is being well cared for. It's almost an hour down and an hour back and she has no "real" sense of time so we are only visiting her every other week now. That has taken some pressure of... but initially left me feeling guilty.

I never, never could have made it this summer with out Don. He's truly my pillar of strength. He never got overwhelmed or frustrated at me when I got overwhelmed. He did what needed to be done and never complained. He's an amazing guy and I'm glad "he's my guy". Hmmm, where have I heard that statement lately? He's been so busy with his business... busier than we ever hoped for, which is great but it was another thing to juggle this summer. Don't knock your blessings though, right?

Dad has his PET scan tomorrow and then gets the results on September 15th. Please keep him in your thoughts. If the cancer has spread, he wont be able to fight it because he's all out of fight. The interferon absolutely did him in.

Phew... I think that covered most of it. Katie did have a very in depth appointment with a neurologist this summer that I will cover in a future blog.

It's good to be blogging again.
LA :)